

下載Direct3D Windows 10 (3264 bit) 繁體中文

下載Direct3D Windows 10 (32/64 bit) 免費。DirectX程序的主要組件之一,專為與三維元素集成工作而設計。

DirectX 9.0c

DirectX 9.0c, free download for Windows. Set of APIs for accelerating multimedia and gaming performance on Windows operating systems. DirectX 9.0c download · Download for Windows · Screenshots


DirectX is a free system utility software that makes computers ideal for applications that are rich in graphics, animation, audio, and video.

DirectX for Windows

評分 4.6 (19) · 免費 · Windows Download DirectX for Windows for free. Improved performance for games and multimedia apps. DirectX is a must-have app if you're a gamer or like to run PC...

下載DirectX 9 以在Acrobat 和Acrobat Reader 中演算3D 檔案

在Windows® 上安裝DirectX 9 的步驟 · 請選取下方的「下載」按鈕。 下載DirectX 9 · 選取「開啟」或「從此程式目前位置執行」以開啟下載的 dxwebsetup.exe ...

如何安裝DirectX 最新版本

Windows 11 或10 · 從[開始],在[搜尋] 方塊中輸入dxdiag,然後按下Enter。 · 點選或按一下結果中的[dxdiag]。 · 在報告的第一頁中,查看[系統資訊] 區段的[DirectX 版本]。

microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll free download - DLL

Download microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll below to solve your dll problem. We currently have 2 different versions for this file available. Choose wisely. Most of ...

Direct3D Download — The Quick & Easy Way!

Looking for the latest version of Direct3D for your computer's system? Don't worry. Here you'll learn the correct way to download Direct3D.

DirectX End-User Runtimes (Offline Installer)

評分 4.8 (697,281) · This download provides the DirectX end-user multi-languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product.

DirectX End-User Runtime Web 安裝程式

安裝指示. 按一下本網頁右上方[下載] 按鈕開始下載,或從下拉式清單選擇其他語言並按一下[Go]。 執行下列其中一項:. 若要立即安裝,請按一下[開啟] 或[從其 ...